Beer and fruity beverages are a big part of celebrations, vacations and down time for many of us even though we know that it is not healthy. We have all heard it is it so bad on our metabolism and can reek havoc on our livers if used on a daily basis, but why and how can we prepare for it in our diets, if only sparingly?
Who doesn’t like a margarita, mimosa or a beer on vacation? Using alcohol on an occasional basis is not a total deal breaker on your diet, but you need to know the reasons why using it on a daily basis can be a unhealthy habit and the way it works with your metabolism. Drinking alcohol first, especially on an empty stomach, shifts your body into a mode to handle the alcohol rather than work to break down foods to help nourish your body.. When alcohol is being processed by the liver other functions the liver does in your digestion stop. Since alcohol does not add any nutritional value to your diet the liver works to eliminate it from your body first and will ignore other metabolic functions. Therefore, food intake is more easily stored because the body is processing the alcohol. These empty calories are not used to function in cells so they are absorbed in the stomach and small intestines and dumped into your blood stream, thus, your body cannot function properly and you have the heady feeling from the alcohol.
Eating on the other hand, before you hit the beverages, actually helps the body process the alcohol and if you focus on protein like eggs, turkey, chicken and stay away from caffine and processed food before you drink and you will actually help your body stay at a higher metabolism and you won’t get the munchies after you intake the alcohol. That’s why your hungry, your body is craving nutrition, even though you may have taken in many calories in your drinks.
Drinking one or two drinks on a special occasion doesn’t have to be a deal breaker when you plan ahead and reduce calories the day before to manage for the beverages. So don’t stress about vacation or downtime, just plan to eat some protein before you drink and enjoy! Please see the easy skinny margarita here, let me know what you think!
Please drink responsibly and in moderation for your best health interest.
Skinny Margarita: Makes 2
2 oz Tequilla
2 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
1oz Cointreau
0.5oz light agava nectar ( or Simple Syrup) to taste
Coarse sea salt
Lime wedge
Wet the rim of the glass with lime and dip in the salt
Add ingredients together and shake add ice and shake again
calories for one 185. 14.7 grams sugars, 2.3mg sodium.